I Deactivated My Facebook Profile

Just as a public service announcement: I deactivated my Facebook account to see what it’s like to not have a Facebook account. I suspect I’m going to run into places where it’s impossible not to have one, but let’s see what it’s like.

Over the past year, especially since the 2016 election, I find Facebook… exhausting. Mentally, it’s draining. Lots of debate, lots of echoes, and mental noise in my life that I don’t really need. In January, I deleted the app from my phone to see what that was like.

While it wasn’t a major factor, after the Cambridge Analytica stuff and yet another “Facebook abused it’s access to your phone” tidbit coming out, I’m also just kinda done trusting their engineers.

If you want to keep up with the kids, friend me on Flickr or Instagram1. If you want to keep up with my news posts, follow me on Twitter. If you want to just ignore me, I’m cool with that, too. :)

I’m contemplating starting a project with a friend or two to replace the most valuable (to me) function of FB - as a clearinghouse for keeping up with your friends & family. More on that once work quiets down a little. Lots of ideas on how to structure that as a side project…

  1. Yes, I know it’s owned by Facebook… ↩︎

Me Me Me